My first year in Indonesia

So this is the first blog I write for my website. I will try to write my blog consistently because I love to share my story.

I came to Indonesia when I was 23 years old. Of course, this is not easy for a European player like me, because they live in a different environment and my friends doubted my decision to go to Indonesia.

Do you want to move to another part of the world at a young age?? told some of my friends.

Yes, I will try. I've completed my plan and have a vision and mission to grow up there.? I answered every time I got that question.

Although I had faith, I also had my doubts when I should move to Indonesia. Eventually, I thought this was the right time and it all paid off.

All doubts disappeared when I felt the extraordinary enthusiasm for football in Indonesia. My first Indonesian football club was Makassar. What also gave me a good feeling was the friendliness of the players, coaches and fans. They welcomed me very well and immediately it felt like home.

My desire to stay in Indonesia was growing day by day. After only one year in Indonesia, I finally decided to buy a home in Bali. My family was really supportive because they saw how happy I was with my career in Indonesia. When I scored my first goal for PSM Makassar, my mother and grandmother were watching my match. Because of their infinite support, affection and trust, I dedicate my celebrations to them.

Great time at PSM Makassar. Great time at PSM Makassar.


In my first season in Indonesia, I fell completely in love with a great atmosphere. It was a great year with a lot of achievements, even though there was a lot of drama in the Indonesian soccer. My mission hasn't changed, I wanted to do something for the club and win the title as a team. Our hard work paid off because that season we won the Indonesian cup.

I really enjoyed my time at PSM Makassar and I am very grateful for that. I will always respect PSM Makassar and all the supporters who supported me during my time at the club. I hope we can greet each other as friends. We are all friends and brothers.

After my time at PSM Makassar, I moved to Jakarta. I wanted new challenges because I wanted to develop as a soccer player and be an inspiration to many people.

About the first year in Indonesia I moved to Persija Jakarta in 2020

I've never had anything out of the ordinary, full of passion, full of drama in the games that took place in my career. But in Indonesia, I felt the tough competition.

Besides that, the love of the Indonesian supporters who are always supporting the team in every match also gives me goosebumps. I always respond to all the support by trying to do my best when I appear on the field.

Indonesia is no longer a strange place for me, Indonesia is my home. A place where I strive for the highest performance in soccer, where I do my utmost to repay the great supporters.

I will try to do my best in every game I play. Hopefully, this can lead to becoming one of the players of the Indonesian national team. Then I want to give a trophy to Indonesia, the country I love.

Marc Klok






My first year in Indonesia