Baby Klok: It's a Girl!

I started the journey with my wife back in 2010 and we built the love step by step. I knew already back then, she is the one for me. In 2019, I propose to her and decided to live together whatever happens in the future.

Up and down in life we ??face together and I could never asked for a better person with me on my side.?

She always supports me in every situation and I feel her love in every step I take.

In 2020 which I think is full of challenges, God has given me tremendous blessings. First, I started to realize my dream to become an Indonesian citizen. That made me one step closer to playing for the Indonesian National Team.

Moreover, I was given happiness with my wife's pregnancy. I will become a Dad! A Dad, I repeat. What a feeling.

Happiness, surprise, and gratitude mixed in my heart after receiving the news. I have nothing more to say than: thanks God and to hug my wife.

Knowing that my wife is pregnant in the midst of this pandemic, brings maybe a little feeling of worry, but so far my wife is healthy as well as the baby in the womb.

Day after day we spent together are full of love and we give our best for our child who is still in the womb. A few days ago, when we visited the doctor for routine visits, we finally found out, our baby is A GIRL.

Yes, I will have a daughter!

Great feeling for my wife and me. There is nothing but gratitude that I want to convey for all that has been given so far. I am so happy I will have a daughter.

This clearly makes me even more excited to continue pursuing my dreams for Persija and the Indonesian national team. I will do everything to achieve my dream and make my family happy.

To my little one, I hope you are healthy and strong until you are ready to meet Mom and Dad out here. We'll be waiting and taking care of you here with all the love we have.

See you, Baby Klok, I Love You



Baby Klok: It's a Girl!