I prefer to stay, but...

From March 2020, we are forced to lose the fun. The routine activities that we have been doing for years should be temporarily suspended. There is no more training with my teammates, there is no game, and fans. I miss that thing a lot.

After nine months, the routine only once came back in August-September. However, Liga 1 was postponed for the second time because of the pandemic problem in Indonesia that has not subsided. As a player I feel confused with the existing conditions. I want to get back to grazing soon, experience the routine activities and feel the extraordinary atmosphere of Indonesian football again.

In the midst of uncertain conditions, in November, there were 4 Malaysian clubs who said they were interested in signing me. Honestly, I wasn't really interested in joining the clubs because I want to stay at Persija Jakarta. However, I felt quite a dilemma and thought about the offer several times as we haven't heard any competition updates in Indonesia.

After discussing it with my family and agent, I decided that I?m committed to my contract and really want to stay with Persija Jakarta. I never change my mind. I want to play here and become champions with Persija. The desire is something that keeps me patient to wait for the league to roll back. But, if for whatever reason the league doesn?t come back anyway soon. Or becomes not attractive enough to reach my goals. I will consider the offers seriously. I need to do what I love most: playing football.

However, as I have also told media friends, I am still waiting for the certainty of competition here. I have to wait and look for the situation here. As a football player, it?s become a boring thing now to continue training alone, I didn't get my minute of play, and lose the competitive vibe.

I think it?s not only me. All football players in Indonesia, I think, are just already bored. They have to continue to maintain conditions at home and begin to forget the real atmosphere of the match. It?s so sad if we look at our neighbours. Their football has back.

I hope this pandemic ends soon, and we can meet again at the stadium, with your loud song and yell!.

Marc Klok

I prefer to stay, but...