
Marc Klok

Asian Cup, January 2024—the biggest tournament of my life and the biggest stage we have reached as a country in 17 years. I can’t express how dedicated and excited I am to experience this show...

Marc Klok

Hai atlet, sorotan yang kau lihat hari ini adalah hasil dari kerja keras yang konsisten selama bertahun-tahun. Rayakan itu. Akui itu. Banggalah, tetapi tetaplah lapar, tetaplah bodoh, dan bekerja lebih keras. Kita semua dapat digantikan....

Marc Klok

I’ve been reflecting,You know. We’re living in a world full of expectations, from society, from ourselves.We are living in a world where we constantly trying to impress and reach new highs.We are living in a world...

Marc Klok

Hey there, football enthusiasts! Marc Klok here, and I am absolutely thrilled to take you on an extraordinary ride through the magnificent journey I had as part of the Indonesian national team in our epic...

Marc Klok

I'm excited to share with you my recent adventure to South Africa with my wife Cas and our lovely daughter Sage. As a family, we love to travel and explore new places. Our trip was...

Marc Klok

I believe that using the term "naturalized player" is a form of distancing us from society. Naturalization is a process that we went through to become WNI, and once we are granted citizenship, we are...

Marc Klok

Humans make mistakes, you all make mistakes, and we all do. Moreover, we are football players, and we will not escape from mistakes. Witan, me, everyone, and even Messi, we could have made a mistake.However,...

Marc Klok

Have you ever asked why I use this term so often and what it means?The concept that I often mention is about the athlete's ability to speak up on and off the arena. Finally, as...

Marc Klok

Hallo semua!Apa kabar? Semoga kalian semua sehat dan bahagia!Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berterima kasih kepada IDN Times yang tidak pernah ragu berkolaborasi, sejak dari obrolan pertama hingga akhirnya kita saling berjabat tangan untuk...

Marc Klok

To be honest. I think I don't even realize deeply, in what kind of situation we've arrived. How big of a tragedy this is.However, when I start to think about all the people who have...

Marc Klok

Kebanggaan. Itulah yang saya rasakan setelah menunggu lama momen tampil bersama Garuda. Meskipun hanya laga uji coba melawan klub, saya tetap memberikan segalanya dan membayar kepercayaan yang telah publik Indonesia berikan.Di sana, kami mendapat pelajaran...