
Marc Klok

I just wanted to share this. And yes I know, there are worse things people have to deal with these days. I haven't been able to play football for more than 10 months now. In...

Marc Klok

Hello everyone, I just arrived in Bali after four days in Sumba to refresh and see other life in Indonesia. It was an amazing trip and great nature there, but I've another thought about Sumba....

Marc Klok

From March 2020, we are forced to lose the fun. The routine activities that we have been doing for years should be temporarily suspended. There is no more training with my teammates, there is no...

Marc Klok

I started the journey with my wife back in 2010 and we built the love step by step. I knew already back then, she is the one for me. In 2019, I propose to her...

Marc Klok

"Demi Tuhan, saya bersumpah untuk melepaskan kekuasaan asing dan tunduk kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Pancasila, dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945."? Marc Klok, 12 November 2020. Since I arrived here, I immediately felt comfortable and confident...

Marc Klok

So this is the first blog I write for my website. I will try to write my blog consistently because I love to share my story. I came to Indonesia when I was 23 years...